
How to get gps pathfinder office to export prj file
How to get gps pathfinder office to export prj file

Giovanni provides monthly and seasonal average maps, as well as the time-averaged map for the month or given time period of investigation. An anomaly analysis or difference map is necessary to do this and can be created in Giovanni and Panoply (see Tools for Data Access and Visualization). By calculating the average temperature over a range of time, typically about 30 years, and comparing the forecasted high temperature over the forthcoming days to that average, one can determine if temperatures are indeed abnormal for that time period. Temperature is useful for assessing changes in weather and climate patterns that are critical for monitoring and responding to extreme heat events. Surface air temperature, measured in Kelvin, from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), May 9, 2020, visualized in Panoply. Cities tend to have higher temperatures than outlying more rural areas this is due primarily with the differences in radiative and thermal properties of varying surfaces, especially impervious surfaces such as buildings, pavement, etc., as well as the spatial distribution of water, soils, vegetation, and manmade surfaces. Urban heat islands play a role in extreme heat events. With consistent and continuous data coverage, reliable temperature and humidity anomalies can be assessed. For example, the Terra satellite has been acquiring land surface temperature data since 2000. Using remote sensing data can be an asset in determining climate trends, as several satellite platforms have been acquiring data over many years. In monitoring heat waves, it's important to access long-term data records to assess abnormalities from the norm. According to the Center for Disease Control, extreme heat results in about 600 deaths per year in the U.S, with the elderly, very young, outdoor workers, and people with mental illness and chronic diseases at higher risk. The public health impacts of heat waves include exhaustion or heat stroke, and even death. The heat index incorporates both temperature and humidity and is used to determine public health warnings for areas experiencing heat waves. When the humidity is high, water does not evaporate as easily and so it becomes difficult for the body to cool off through sweating. Humidity is an important factor in heat index assessment. Even under different climate models and emission scenarios, results indicate that extreme heat events worsen. Not only are cities experiencing more extreme heat events, the seasons are also lasting longer, on average 47 days longer than in 1960. In the 2010s, that number rose to more than six heat waves per year. experienced, on average, about two heat waves per year. Heat waves are periods of abnormally hot and/or humid weather, lasting a few days to weeks at a time. Credit: Center for Disease Control (CDC)Īccording to the United States Global Change Research Program, heat waves are occurring more frequently in major cities across the nation.

How to get gps pathfinder office to export prj file